Why choose WordPress for your photography website

Just by a simple google search you already know that there are a lot of options to choose from and the fact that you need to narrow down to a single solution can be quite time-consuming and nerve wrecking.

If you been doing your research you must have come across something called WordPress but maybe you aren’t quite sure what it does and if it’s right for you and your business.

Well, you have landed in the right place because in this article we’ll tell you everything you neet to know about WordPress and why it’s a perfect platform to build your photography portfolio!

What is WordPress

WordPress is a content management system or CMS that allows you to create and publish your content on the web.

WordPress gives you full control over your content as well as the design and display of your website. The beauty of WordPress is that you don’t have to know a single line of code to create and publish your content. This is perfect for newbies in the whole web thing since there is no technical know-how required and you can still do it all by yourself.

So let us quickly look at 6 reasons why WordPress is the perfect platform for your portfolio:

1. WordPress is free

WordPress is free to download, install, use and modify. It’s something techies call “open source” but in common language, it means that it’s a community-supported, free software that anyone can use, study and play with.

You might think that if it’s free, it must mean that it’s not very good but that’s not true in the software world. According to this recent study, WordPress powers 26.6% of all websites on the web and big companies like CNN, Google, Facebook, eBay, Time Magazine and more are using WordPress to power their websites.

So since it’s free and trusted by so many others, why not give it a try? There’s nothing you can lose!

2. It’s easy to use

WordPress community is growing fast and every day new WordPress websites are popping up because it is really easy to learn and use. Have you ever used Microsoft Word? Well, WordPress content creation is just like that. You have an area to write in, you can make your headings bold or italic and you can add images by clicking on a button!

Of course, WordPress does a lot more than that but thanks to the large WP community the web is full of useful information that can guide you quickly and painlessly!

3. Easy to customize

Most people who start using WordPress have no prior knowledge about designing or programming websites.

Using WordPress for a photography site makes perfect sense from both a design and functional points of view. There are thousands of free and premium templates (themes) to choose from so that you could give your website the look you want. All you have to do is choose a free design from WordPress directory or a premium one from Themeforest or a similar marketplace. Download it and install onto your WordPress site. Then you would just follow the instructions that came with the theme to set it up to your liking!

Another great thing about WordPress is that if sometime in the future you decide to update the design of your site, you only have to change the WordPress template and that’s it!

4. Thousands of useful plugins

Plugins are ways to extend and add to the functionality that already exists in WordPress.

For example, if you want your portfolio images to be safe and prevent people from right-click saving them on their computer, you simply install a plugin that disables right clicking on your images. No coding, no fuss – just install a plugin right from your WordPress panel and done!

There are thousands of plugins that do all kinds of things from social sharing to pop-up galleries and more and the majority of them are free just like the themes we talked about in the previous point!

5. WordPress is SEO friendly

SEO stand for Search Engine Optimization. Google and all other search engines show and rank websites in search results on the basis of various predefined parameters. The more parameters you fulfill, the better your website ranks in search results and the more people can find it!

The great thing about WordPress is that it fulfills all of the SEO responsibilities that a CMS is supposed to fulfill. Plus there are various free SEO plugins available to help improve search engine visibility of your WordPress website even further.

6. Strong support

As mentioned before, WordPress has a large community and many people are working with it on a daily basis. This means that your website building journey doesn’t have to be walked alone. If you get stuck or need help, there are tons of active WordPress forums, video tutorials, articles and even e-books. If you come across a problem, chances are that someone else has had that problem as well and either WordPress, your theme developer, plugin author or the general public will be sure to help you out because that’s what the WordPress community is all about!


So to recap, WordPress is a content management system  (CMS) that allows you to create and publish your content on the web and gives you full control over your content as well as the design, display and functionality of your website. It’s free, it’s easy to master and it has a large active community that constantly improves WordPress, makes it more secure, intuitive and gives you thousands of designs and plugins to choose from. Plus with WordPress you can create your website all by yourself without a single line of code!





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