Mom and daughter planting sapling tree.

Fall Fun in the Garden

Parents find it challenging to connect their children with nature in this era when gadgets are their best friends. However, every challenge has a solution.

With the fall season here, it is the perfect time to involve your children in some fun and engaging activities that create a love of gardening in them. Whether it’s planting bulbs for spring or crafting with fallen leaves, gardening offers endless opportunities for kids to learn, explore, and have fun.

Ready to turn your little ones into green-thumbed gardeners? These 15 autumn activities will spark their curiosity and keep them engaged all season long.

Create a Leafy Garden Collage

Autumn leaves come in vibrant hues of red, orange, and yellow. Colorful leaves are perfect for doing crafts or creating a garden collage.

Encourage your kids to gather fallen leaves from different trees in the yard. Once collected, they can arrange the leaves into fun shapes, like animals or landscapes, on a large piece of paper.

This activity not only gets them outdoors but also teaches them about the different types of leaves and trees in your garden.

Plant Fall Bulbs for Spring Blooms

Gardening is all about patience, and planting bulbs like tulips or daffodils in the fall is a great lesson in that. Help your kids dig small holes, place the bulbs inside, and cover them up.

Explain how these bulbs will hibernate through winter and bloom beautifully in the spring. The anticipation of seeing their hard work pay off in a few months will spark excitement in your little gardeners.

Build a Bug Hotel

Children love bugs, and autumn is the right time to teach kids about the beneficial insects that help keep a garden healthy.

Collect twigs, pine cones, and leaves to create a bug hotel, offering shelter for insects during the colder months. Kids can decorate the hotel, place it in the garden, and monitor the kinds of bugs that move in.

This hands-on project will keep them engaged while also educating them about garden ecosystems.

Composting Adventures

Tackle two goals with one activity. Composting food waste with autumn leaves and garden debris is the perfect activity for kids for fall. Additionally, it will teach them not to waste things that can be recycled.

Set up a small compost bin with your kids and let them add leaves, fruit scraps, and vegetable peelings to it. Explain how organic materials break down over time to create nutrient-rich soil.

Watch their faces light up with joy when they see how their food waste turns into something valuable for the garden.

Harvest Fall Vegetables

Fall is the perfect time to harvest vegetables. Involve your kids in picking ripe pumpkins, carrots, or squash from the garden.

Show them how to tell when vegetables are ready and let them help with pulling them up. Don’t limit the activity to gardening, ask them to help wash and prepare the veggies for a family meal after harvesting.

This activity teaches little minds the importance of hard work. Do offer them a tangible reward for their gardening efforts.

Decorate with Garden Crafts

Combine gardening and creativity by using items from your garden to make autumn-themed crafts. Let your kids collect twigs, berries, pinecones, and dried flowers to create seasonal wreaths or decorations for your home.

Crafts with autumn leaves boast their creative skills and also teach them how to use natural resources in a fun and sustainable way.

DIY Bird Feeder

A DIY bird feeder is another great activity that will teach kids valuable lessons such as the importance of caring for nature during the colder months.

As the weather cools down, birds start looking for extra food sources. Encourage your kids to make simple bird feeders using pine cones, peanut butter, and birdseed.

Hang the feeders in the garden and watch as different bird species come to visit.

Build a Scarecrow

Give your garden some autumn flair by building a fun scarecrow with your kids. Gather old clothes, hay, and a few sticks to create the structure.

Let your kids decorate the scarecrow’s face with paint or markers and dress it up in fun outfits. Once it’s ready, place it in the garden to watch over your plants.

This creative activity blends crafting and gardening in a way that’s sure to capture your children’s imagination.

Create a Fairy Garden

Transform a small section of the garden into a magical fairy wonderland. Gather materials like small stones, leaves, and flowers to create miniature houses and pathways.

Let your kids take the lead on designing the house for a fairy village with safe tools under your observation.

To complete the scene, add tiny garden accessories like a miniature bridge, a water feature, or even a few fairy lights to make it magical.

Plant a Mini Herb Garden

Pick an activity that is fun and also functional. Grow seasonal herbs with your little ones.

Herbs like thyme, rosemary, and parsley thrive in cooler temperatures, making them great plants to start in autumn. Give your kids their own pots or a small section of the garden to plant herbs.

They can learn how to care for the plants, and as the herbs grow, they’ll feel a sense of accomplishment. Plus, they’ll love picking fresh herbs to add to family meals throughout the season.

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Turn a simple walk around the garden into an exciting adventure by organizing a nature scavenger hunt. Invite your kid’s friends as well and create a list of items for them to find, such as a red leaf, an acorn, or a smooth rock.

Give them a small basket to collect their treasures and let them explore at their own pace. This activity promotes curiosity and observation, helping children develop a deeper appreciation for nature.

Rake and Jump in Leaf Piles

While raking might seem like a chore to adults, it can be a thrilling activity for kids. Let your little ones help gather fallen leaves into a big pile, and after they’re done, give them the green light to jump in.

They will have fun playing in the leaves and also learn about the importance of cleaning up the garden in preparation for winter.

Create a Garden Journal

Kids who are into journaling will love the idea of a garden journal. They can document the plants and wildlife they observe during autumn.

Additionally, they can draw pictures of leaves, describe the changes they see in the garden, and note any new discoveries. This activity encourages mindfulness and helps improve their writing and observation skills.

Start an Indoor Plant Project

As the weather is getting chilly outside, bring the fun indoors by starting a small indoor plant project. Choose easy-to-care-for plants like succulents or spider plants, and let your kids take ownership of watering and caring for them.

This indoor activity gives them a chance to nurture their green thumbs year-round, even when the garden is covered in frost.

Looking for the perfect plant to start? Check out 10 Indoor Plants for Keeping Your Home Fresh and let your kids pick their favorite to kick off the project.

Grow a Pumpkin from Seeds

After Halloween, don’t throw all the pumpkins, save some pumpkin seeds and use them to grow pumpkin plants with kids.

Clean the seeds, let them dry, and store them over the winter. When spring rolls around, they can plant their seeds in the garden and watch them sprout. Growing their pumpkin will teach kids patience and other valuable lessons.

To keep the fun going, why not reward their hard work with some exciting outdoor play gear? Check out Best Outdoor Play Picks for Kids for affordable and exciting finds that will enhance their time outside.

Jessica Xavier
I’m Jess, here to share practical design advice and budget-friendly hacks, blending your favorite fandoms seamlessly into your decor. Let’s connect and create your dream space together!

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