Decorated doorstep with pumpkins, umbrella and a mat with some fall leaves scattered on the ground

Fall Cleaning Mistakes

Fall cleaning isn’t just about tidying up; it’s about preparing your home for colder weather and the holiday season. Many people overlook the specific needs that fall brings, leading to common cleaning mistakes.

This guide highlights unique cleaning errors people make during fall and offers practical fixes to keep your home cozy, clean, and ready for the changing season.

Overlooking Your Chimney and Fireplace

Fall marks the start of fireplace season, but using a dirty chimney can be dangerous. Creosote buildup in your chimney can lead to chimney fires.

The fix is to schedule a professional chimney cleaning and inspection before lighting your first fire of the season. This ensures a safe and warm atmosphere for the colder months ahead.

Not Cleaning and Storing Summer Gear

As the season changes, it’s time to store your summer items, but many forget to clean them first. Leaving summer gear like grills, pool toys, and garden tools dirty can result in mold, rust, and damage over the winter.

The fix is to clean and thoroughly dry all summer gear before storing it away, keeping everything in good shape for next season.

Ignoring the Furnace Filter

With colder weather on the way, your furnace will be working harder. A dirty filter can reduce its efficiency, leading to higher energy bills.

The fix is to change your furnace filter at the start of fall and check it monthly to ensure your home stays warm without wasting energy.

Forgetting to Clean Gutters Before the Leaves Fall

As fall progresses, leaves can clog your gutters, leading to water damage when rain and snow arrive. Ignoring this can result in costly repairs later.

The fix is to clean your gutters early in the fall before the leaves start dropping. You should also regularly check them throughout the season and clear out debris as needed.

Skipping an Outdoor Furniture Clean-Up

Many forget to properly clean and store patio furniture as outdoor temperatures drop. This oversight can lead to rust, mildew, and damage from winter weather.

The fix is to clean outdoor furniture thoroughly with soap and water, let it dry completely, and then cover or store it for the winter to keep it in good condition for next year.

Overlooking Fall Pests Prevention

Fall is when pests like mice and spiders seek warmth inside your home. Forgetting to take preventative steps can lead to pest problems.

The fix is to seal any cracks or gaps around windows, doors, and your home’s foundation. Also, store food properly and keep areas like basements and attics clean and clutter-free.

Neglecting Fall-Specific Deep Cleaning

Fall is a busy time, but skipping deep cleaning tasks like shampooing carpets or cleaning upholstery can lead to a buildup of dirt and allergens.

The fix is to take advantage of cooler days to deep clean your home before the holidays. Freshly cleaned carpets and furniture not only make your home feel inviting but also improve indoor air quality.

Skipping Seasonal Closet Changes

Failing to swap out your summer wardrobe for fall clothes can leave you scrambling for warm layers when temperatures drop.

The fix is to take the time to clean and store summer clothes properly, declutter, and bring out your fall and winter clothing. A tidy, organized closet makes transitioning between seasons easier and keeps your wardrobe in good condition.

Forgetting to Clean Your Fall Decor

As you bring out your fall decorations, it’s important not to just dust them off. Over time, decorations stored in attics or basements can gather dust, mold, or even pests.

The fix is to clean each piece carefully before displaying it, ensuring your decorations are safe, clean, and ready to make your home feel festive.

Not Preparing Outdoor Spaces for Fall Rain

With more rain in the fall, outdoor spaces can become muddy and slippery, creating safety hazards. Ignoring outdoor walkways and driveways can lead to accidents.

The fix is to pressure wash or sweep outdoor areas and consider adding non-slip mats where necessary. Regularly cleaning up leaves and debris also helps prevent accidents.

Forgetting to Check Your Roof Before Winter

Fall is your last chance to check for roof damage before winter weather hits. Neglecting this can lead to leaks and costly repairs during the winter.

The fix is to inspect your roof for missing shingles, cracks, or damage and address any issues promptly. Taking care of your roof now prevents major headaches later.

Neglecting to Rake Early in the Season

Raking leaves can feel like a never-ending task, but ignoring the first rounds of fallen leaves can make it harder to keep up later in the season.

The fix is to rake early and often to prevent leaves from piling up and becoming a soggy mess that’s harder to manage when the weather turns colder.

Overlooking the Garage and Shed

Fall is the perfect time to clean and organize your garage and shed before winter arrives. Skipping this task can lead to clutter and difficulty finding what you need when the snow hits.

The fix is to clean out and organize tools, outdoor equipment, and holiday decorations now. Store items in labeled bins and ensure everything is easily accessible.

Not Preparing for Holiday Hosting

Fall is the prelude to the holiday season, and failing to get your home ready can lead to stress later on.

The fix is to thoroughly clean your guest rooms, bathrooms, and common areas now. Stock up on cleaning supplies and prep for holiday hosting to ensure your home is guest-ready and you’re ahead of the game when the holidays arrive.

Ignoring Seasonal Bedding

Fall means switching to heavier blankets and bedding. Forgetting to clean and refresh your fall bedding can result in musty, dusty linens that don’t feel cozy.

The fix is to wash and air out heavier comforters, flannel sheets, and throws before using them. Fresh bedding makes your home feel comfortable and ready for the colder months.

If you’re looking for ideas for this seasonal update, then check out ” Bedroom Refresh: Summer Linens to Fall Comfort.”

Failing to Update Kids’ Play Areas for the New Season

As indoor activities increase in the fall, some people neglect to replace summer toys with fall-appropriate activities. This can lead to clutter and an uninspired play space.

To address this, store away summer toys and introduce board games, puzzles, and craft supplies. Use this time to declutter and donate unused items, keeping the play area organized and engaging for the season ahead.

This helps transition smoothly from summer to fall and maintains an enjoyable environment for your kids. For a detailed guide, check out “Swapping Toys to Transition from Summer to Fall.”

Jessica Xavier
I’m Jess, here to share practical design advice and budget-friendly hacks, blending your favorite fandoms seamlessly into your decor. Let’s connect and create your dream space together!

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